With the countdown to Christmas, the first day of Summer often gets lost amongst the end of year breakup parties, Christmas trees going up and Christmas concerts. But once January rolls around and we’re no longer dealing with full tummies and shopping centre chaos, we’re suddenly reminded that it’s actually the Summer break and we’ve got another month til school goes back! This Summer, I’m prepared (possibly more than I was for Christmas!) and have put together our family Summer Bucket List.
This is our go-to list of things we want to do over the Summer. I’ve printed it out to hang on the fridge, so whenever we have a ‘what shall we do today’ moment, we can refer to our trusty list and tick something else off! Some of my favourites that I’m looking forward to include:
- Have a messy play day: think slime, shaving foam, water, paint – get it all out in the yard and let the kids go wild! You could combine this with ‘run through the sprinklers’ to tick off another bucket list item and help with the clean up!
- Attend a children’s theatre production: there are so many kid-friendly theatre productions around, you can head to HOTA for a Gold Coast option, or up to the Powerhouse or QPAC in Brisbane for even more options!
- Stargaze at night: Being summertime, bedtime often falls when the sky is still light. But being holidays, we’ll let the kids stay up past bedtime one night and sit outside with us and look at the stars. A special treat that will also be a fun bonding moment.
- Take an ice cream bath: Run a tepid bath with lots of bubbles and toys, and let them have an ice block/ice cream in the bath tub! My kids think it’s the best thing ever, plus you don’t have to clean up afterwards!
Family Bucket Lists are a great way of getting through school holiday boredom, but also as a way of reminding us to stop and do some of the more simple things in life. If you’ve got bigger kids, why not get them involved in putting your Bucket List together? Ask each family member to add 2-3 things to the list and see what you come up with!