• Free to do,  Indoors,  Parenting

    Rainy day activities for Gold Coast Kids

    Rainy days are usually few and far between on the Gold Coast, so when the rain does set in, we’re often scrambling for indoor activities for kids to keep occupied. I’ve rounded up some of the best spots on the Gold Coast to eat, activities to do and things to see that are indoors, family and kid friendly, and out of the rain!

  • Family life,  Parenting,  School

    The Ultimate Graduation Gift

    Looking for a meaningful gift for your child at the end of their school days that costs very little and but will be something you all treasure? The Ultimate Graduation Gift is as simple as finding a beautiful book about graduating, growth, or being you, and having your child’s teacher(s) write a sentiment in the book at the end of each year. You could gift this book to your child at the end of Primary School, or keep going right through til the end of Secondary School.

  • Family life,  Family travel,  Parenting

    Coastal Babysitters, Gold Coast

    If you're looking for a babysitter, whether it's a one-off, help during the holidays, or for a special event, Coastal Babysitters have got you covered! Coastal Babysitters bring the fun to your home so you can go out without feeling guilty, knowing your kids are in trusted care, and having just as much FUN as you are! They will be looked after by the most qualified and experienced sitters for any age group including newborns.

  • Family life,  Parenting

    3 meaningful first day of school gifts to help beat the nerves

    Whether you've got a Prep starting school for the first time, or you're a seasoned parent with kids off for another year, there are bound to be some nerves as we prepare for the first day at school. To help kick start the excitement and hopefully calm a few of those nerves, here are 3 first day of school gifts to help your child feel more confident as they start a new school year!

  • Family life,  Mother's Day,  Parenting,  Parties & celebrations

    The Celebration Journal

    Here is the solution to no longer spending money on expensive cards, or homemade treasures shoved in a drawer to gather dust. Get yourselves a Celebration Journal!! On each special occasion, the journal comes out and the kids can draw or write something special. Birthdays, Mother's Day, even Easter or Christmas - the Journal has you covered! 

  • Family adventures,  Family life,  Parenting,  Playgrounds

    Gold Coast parks for early walkers

    Heading to a playground with an early walker can often be a difficult task - the play equipment is too advanced, the play surface not baby friendly, the list goes on. One of the most common questions I'm asked is where are the best parks to visit with little ones who are just starting to coast around holding on to things, or have started toddling around but aren't confident on their feet. Well, this list is for you! Here is my list of playgrounds that cater for the 10mth - 2 year age group.

  • Parenting

    Where to donate your pre-loved goods on the Gold Coast

    Clutter is one of my worst enemies – I honestly feel like I can’t think straight when there is too much clutter around! I’m always looking for opportunities to clear out things that we no longer need or use. At the same time however, I don’t want to continually add to landfill, so I try to be smart about what I do with our pre-loved goods. Here I’ll share with you my tips for the wardrobe clear out and how to find a new purpose for your pre-loved goods that will support a good cause.