Baking with kids can sometimes be more stressful than it is worth. That’s why super simple “baking” activities like these reindeer biscuits are my favourite! It gets the kids involved but there is minimal mess and it’s easy to do.
What you’ll need:
- arrowroot biscuits
- nutella
- tiny teddy biscuits
- strawberries & cream lollies
- white choc chips
I started by setting out all my ingredients in easy to access bowls. You’ll need a tray or plates for the biscuits to go on, and a few knives for spreading the nutella. Demonstrate what the children need to do by creating one yourself, and then let them free to create as they please! It’s great fun seeing the designs they come up with. If you’ve got other lollies, biscuits or chocolates in the pantry you might want to add to the selection of decorations – it’s up to you!
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